Monday, September 12, 2011

Paul is Dead - Facial Comparisons Part 1

Here are some facial comparisons from for both John and Paul


First photo was taken when he was 23 and the other was when he was 34

Here is how the photos look like when merged:

If you would check the image, clearly, you can see that aside from the facial expression, you can see no difference between the two photos. The cheekbones, mouth, teeth, nose, eyes, and the shape of John Lennon's head perfectly match.


Here is a photo of Paul crossed. The album was released in 1963 and overlayed with a photo from 1966:

As you can see, the facial features are cunningly similar as well. The skull outline, chin, facial features, and even the ears perfectly align. Note that the 1966 photo was taken just a few months before Paul McCartney's alleged death. The next part of this article will compare Paul's photos from after his alleged death.

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